Monthly Archives: January 2015

National Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking

Become-a-SHEPHERDFebruary 8th, the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita, is the National Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking. Pray for the survivors of human trafficking, their emotional, physical, and spiritual healing. Make a personal commitment to combat this modern-day slavery.

Lectio Divina for Lent

Lectio Divina for Lent and Easter. Insights for personal prayer, homily preparation, and  material for Catechists, college professors, and high school teachers to use in discussions with their classes.

Lectio Divina for Lent and Easter. Insights for personal prayer, homily preparation, and material for Catechists, college professors, and high school teachers to use in discussions with their classes.

“There is one particular way of listening to what the Lord wishes to tell us in his word and of letting ourselves be transformed by the Spirit. It is what we call lectio divina. It consists of reading God’s word in a moment of prayer and allowing it to enlighten and renew.” Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, no.152

National Day of Prayer for African American and African Family 2015

Solid_GroundAll the “signs of the time” point to the necessity of a “family coming together, a family time of prayer.” So much seems to happen to us when we are apart from each other. We get so caught up with “the everyday challenges and trying to make it every day” that we forget about the strength we gain from each other when we “tighten up in prayer and touch each others lives for more than a minute.” Let’s show some love for we need some face time with each other. Let’s take a new “Family Photo” so that a legacy of hope, faith and courage can be left for those who come after us.

On Sunday, February 1, 2015, the first Sunday of Black History Month, let us put out an all points bulletin throughout the United States that we are having a national Family Reunion. A National Day of Prayer for African American and African Family 2015!

It’s about us, helping us, praying for us, and celebrating the many times that God “caught us and kept us.” Click here for more information.

Promising Practices for February

Rosa Parks with Dr. Martin Luther King jr. (ca. 1955)
Source: Ebony Magazine

Reach out to invite members of the Black Community to a Black History Month liturgy in celebration of life.

Reach out to the wider community by writing an article on The Evil of Racism to submit to the local or diocesan newspaper.

Reach out to members of the Black Community and form an adult education/discussion group to read Brothers and Sisters to Us: U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism in Our Day.

Reach out to and visit our sisters and brothers in prison. Design scripture study programs, retreats, and missions for those in prison.

Reach out to work with area churches, synagogues, and mosques to plan a forum on anti-racism for high school youth.

Reach out to gather family and friends together to pray the Black Catholic History Rosary.